Game Dev #3 Zombie script

Interdimensional trash

Here I will be talking about the zombie spawning system I am making, the script will be given a set of unites (unites being a card that costs a certain amount of points and does something like spawning a enemy or increasing point power) the scripts points are increased by pointpower every frame and each car will have a cooldown also being assigned a chance for script to use it


So I started working on a zombie spawning script (AI) 

It was a pain fist I got rid of 

if(reload >= 0)
    Cooldown stuff
{ <=
    Reload —; <=
    animation(); <=
} <=

The bottom half because there was no need for animation but I had also got rid of the reload deduction so I spent like 30 minutes going through mental pain until I found out I had deleted the reload deduction so you guys should also double check what you're deleting.

Also around this time I had found out about enumerators so instead of having a list of ids and names I could just have

Enum gun

I implemented them and it worked first try THAT IS THE FIRST EVER TIME IT WORKED FIRST TRY FINALLY but then I thought about it and checked my code like 10 times to see if there is any small errors but no so that was cool, also I learnt about the Init function,

Init stands for initial so that's more information, I started working on the zombie pos basically I will assign a number to each place then in each level I will assign a chance to each place, but it first I wasn't working I read my code like 10 times and I had typed  ds_list_find_index(); instead of ds_list_find_value();, I started implementing zombie chance so the script (AI) would pick a random unit and place it, it was late and I was tired so I went to bed.


I spent whole day studying save and load


Studying particles


Spent the first bit of the day learning more about particles, made a simple shell particle, then muzzle flash and failed at making smoke here is the finished product


Then I reached 1 day/24 hour runtime use so I got off my computer.


I made zombie death animation


Sorry this week I forgot about taking videos / gifs of my progress. I will try to do it more next week.

Get Beta shooter

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