Game Dev #9 Let's go


hello!!! :D welcome to my devlog about the shooter game that I am working on.

Let's go

so I join jam that allows pre made game


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Its the holidays

☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

so I am happy right now.

AND I got time ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆.

So I will be back to making lots of devlogs.

I will try start posting every week


umm so yea I am starting from Friday because 😅.

right now there are two enemy's in my game soi lets add another one.

concept art

so Trello bord updated

and lets start working on it.

 But before that code cleaning time, so on my manager object I have a lot of lines of code and its has all of the managers so time to clean code using this  why am I doing this because I have to scroll down 300+ lines of code to just change something

wow I don't have to scroll for ages

now back to adding new zombie

made dancing sprite

I finished making it but was too lazy to post image here.

but I started running out of storage so I started moving everything into my SSD in the process I found my old unity files, the names are funny like for example, NO ERROR I probably got lots of errors doing unity so I thought naming it like that would help. lets check on my files

time remaining : crap, what

I guess time to hit the sack


I did the boring stuff transferring more files and some balancing 


lets update my itch page and opera gx page  nice here is the new image

so what should I do today I have nothing to do 

so lets just clean my sprites folder using   

                    before                                                   after


much better. So you know that feeling when there is too much so it feels like nothing for example ideas games choices to do lists anything but done with my rambling more work . So I spent a lot of time just doing stuff that didn't work. So I took a break, 


Changed the way zombies looked to match the dancing versions 

I learned how to make a flash effect

also added bullet trails

why am I doing all of this ... because my game needed more juice so I made this test project testing everything. 

and changed how brrrr gun works.

So how did I change it... well I wanted to make Brrr gun a strong gun but its inaccurate, so I just added a lot of camera shake but when I did the game felt terrible, So first lets explain camera shake in my game so here is the code

 copyable and pseudo code so what its doing here is 

cam_shake *= 0.8;
//this can also be written as cam_shake = lerp(0, cam_shake, 0.8)
x = camx + random_range(-1, 1) * cam_shake;
y = camy + random_range(-1, 1) * cam_shake;
camera_set_pos(x, y)

cam_shake is being lerped closer and closer to 0 you can also write lerp(0,  cam_shake, 0.8) so with this system any object can just be like cam_shake += 2; or something and just shake the camera so that's basally what my guns do so if we do a graph of x or inaccuracy = cam_shake (by the way inaccuracy is calculated like this, shooting_direction += random_range(-inaccuracy , inaccuracy ) now you would think this is fine but remember the x axis is skewed by the camera shake so we get graph like this

first two shots are fine after that are crazy and that not what I want so what did I come up with this!!! 

Seiya what the heck is this well let me do a walkthrough on how I got insane so fist I did (e^x*x) -1, why e take calculus,  why -1 because e and why xx because the is graph is skewed so I need to unskew,

 not what I want so lets squish it by 30 and multiply by 2 at the end and then add limit

and that's how you end up with this

 now this is perfect why because the fist 10-15 shot are fine but as soon as you shoot more you get wonky and don't worry this will never shoot up to infinity because camerashake doesn't go up that much because its limited by lerp so its not that complicated when you think about it and it works perfectly in my game.

well you would be right I can just do this

if(cam_shake > 8) inaccuracy = 15;
else if(cam_shake > 5) inaccuracy = 5;
else if(cam_shake > 2) inaccuracy = 2;
else inaccuracy = 0;

that is right that like doing 

if(key_right) x += 10;
if(key_left) x -= 10;
if(key_up) x += 10;
if(key_down) x i= 10;
//note up and down are messed up

but you can do thia

x += (key_right - key_left) * speed
y += (key_up - key_down) * speed
//my way of coding using math's


added sequences 


made music and made this text thing 


tested music 


spent time studying stuff about actual programing, what do I mean, now here is Seiya programing 

    x += 1;

here I actual programing 

if(val.a1 ? 1 : 1) retrun val[? index].? val.a1 ? 1 : 2 : true

so leaning stuff (or procrastinating)



Get Beta shooter

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