Game Dev #7 Lots of news (AND PLAYABLE VERSION)


Hello! and welcome to my devlog for my shooter game this time I will be talking about a lot of stuff.


 : note  scroll down if you want to just see my progress :  

they say life is like a sine wave

but this is mine

jokes aside I have lost of news to share with you guys


so what happed here well I was looking around  in itch game jams, it was a nice way to get my head around finishing a game. So I originally joined this one

but then I found this one

now my game is made in gamemaker and I am working on a game so I joined the jam  I went on trello and hyper organized what I was  gona do, and this time it went really well my game was ready 1 day before the due date, I was planning to spend the next day uploading but I had other stuff to do and when I had time  the jam was ending in1 hour. I basically spent a whole hour trying to upload my game and I was 18 mins late 🥲🥲🥲. Anyways what did I add well  let this project speak for its self (in other words I'm tired so just let my put the link here I'v had enough) 

Get Beta shooter

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