Game Dev #12 Code rewriting

Pre Devlog

oh yea I fixed bug that was caused by me forgetting the else statement. 


hello!! and welcome to my devlog on beta shooter today we will be rewriting some code

I finally started, Now why have I been putting of this task? its because my current code is like this 

so we have one object there, another there, that one creates the player, that one sets up the gui but it has to have the player created before , but the spawner has its own init code but then we need to init than delete and ahhhhhhhhhhh

I want to make a new manager that dose everything in clean code so guys don't make bad code otherwise you will regret.

first I made this in trello 

that contains all things this manager needs to do, 

so how bad is my code 


I do some data stuff in the room init

then in the zombie spawner 



I did some planning for upgrades in the future … wait are you procrastinating Seiya, ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

So I sat down and somehow before I new it was done, well not is bad as I thought wow 


So I have this object called obj_newwave

witch dose this 

witch I could I see reusing potential so I was gona go through the boring proses of renameing all instances of obj_newwave to obj_bold_text

But when I was about to do that gamemaker automatically renamed everything for me, well thats nice to now :)

thankyou Gamemaker team 

and so this is the final result 

so this is just a nice intro 

how did I make it? 

well my text object works by using animations curves and using a valuable that increments by 1 every frame and draws the text in that size


I added some sound effects 


 some testing things not on my to do list

 (or procrastinating )

final notes

here is the games page 


and here is my other devlogs 

-> <-


6 Days 5 Hours 36 Minutes 4 Seconds


-fixed the the graphics changing bug when exiting and entering
-added intro when entering level
-still testing test gun

Get Beta shooter

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