Game Dev #1 The first shot


I have made a ruff prototype for my game before a prototype can be something that's barely working and you think how is this working and the code is a mess.

On the other hand i learned that making a system for making a game is better on in the long term, you want to make a wooden house that looks like it falls apart or spent time makingnJOoNmN0wWlumgqjlstZy-iO4hFb3aLFvpiJw6nVqS4sXfWiKHCb_lpfwm0U9XdTxdPSdvbPXHZ29-eEgT55koIoXvAsEmPxz0M55xNa3flx65dDz4f96c7lPCL_BX4uO5e--b9n0M0LrHjbTRWS4exs8zpPhNUOAuI5DppgKCwpjL3Jt82b0mUc0fRKYQthis system to make everything easier, also you want to keep everything in finished state, XaNpJlq6eOilGO_7wDTrvKXTXgUHyGuJv8K-WY5G3nqdNJl-EfWcqrNmG1CTVJ46yxSARVGk2uVMXEp2EHKktptGsXPAQ26dXVhGMBT1XZNiX6REuolB7n02LA3x6u3R62rII2v7td-SRf7ejhFbGn03dcmJLPtohKL5886ZJ9Q6yfvssj6pW0Az_MrUAAa house that's only done when it's done S0XDVT7MPTdnU3i04nHcoaS9nKDilu1a2h6XvNw7UKND3U6E1e3rlwtE73MWGQ95m_8sFZmNLot_eLjApmxXwMPkql2UpElrcAIoCmk0QhaOV9hQj5CkpMaob0yfjddvYwBMkcXEHYYV_CIyJh1Nx-SZcb3ur2j7WJleC-tpilLz2MNhD0sTc4-j02JWBgOn the other hand this house is alway kind of done.



First i made the player sprite cXEy4ZSRtyJRwHgbSwOx2D6fBO3ks15Gb7IuO4ysEqVPTTV7joQtghcgUt7ErMzivL1MUo4E3_feoMcGS70CuoT3xKL0aKR9HnUptFh65_j-15hIHWQ3CIRtwtAXHAV5beiVNedbWQP6YAU_IiZpxPZS1AVR2MiLJbiWa0E1uPh4LUDk0hh9eAPDCkBQOQthen made an object and made it so you can aim, and first problem already it was a simple one, the example 

Basic code


X += right - left;
Y -= up - down;


Right being the right input

Y being inverted


We want the player to move like this in a circle but this ends up happening


because the player can press both right and up at the same time, but you might ask me why bother, please stay quiet it bothers me, anyways i need to make it so when both keys are pressed to characters speed is set to sin || cos of 45 now i got on my calculator and did sin(45) and it came up with 0.85 i typed that in but i didn't look right so i tried cos(45) and it came up with 0.52 they both looked wrong then after staring at my calculator for a while i had realised my calculator was set to radians not degrees i retried and 0.7 and finally worked, who even uses radians apparently a lot of people anyways my code looks something like this (simplified)


if((right || left) && (up || down))
    Mult = 0.8;
    Mult = 1;
X += Mult * (right - left);
Y -= Mult * (up - down)


But Seiya why don't you write your code like this


I don't know but stop asking me so many questions 

RpT0kGI6-V8Q_IkdgZPtcdODB-C1V8LvwZpQtBFB3V0R53MEOm0e-gkCELkgUOKJVYOa06OPuAw1bbAgvrfvLOeAmDMd6By232JkXpecW58_DxkT_fH2ZV5o395ra-FckIWK2LQk5-Of0FRBnBMzN-GrSCIz4KesZpNjRJdANPjgaL1n_fE6QjGX7oNRvwapparently the second way is the smart and right way but i don't care, also i am the type that comments every other line and starts arrays from 1 so 2^3 so 8 types of peoplePkvDJiLg2l3GE29kBL1oEtFHLvs_RTz4L71ue-IKxMrs51pIsH4rJAmORR5BQ30dLU0a8-BzP1HwQHeJJwkTjVR-lgVrFg-TSbVdjl1RanltMMGp-osA36rntMgdsZ4YEe7vulaAg5Ra_eHdHYKj0x3yfIYLuo9rVBXiycbVvAdFZaXge7LAKPayBZw_Xg


I Started working on the shooting

Then I started cleaning my code and not working on making the shooting script even the smallest part of my code, then I realised I was procrastinating. I was pushing off the task like always.4Rb1swJbfOTKyOU9OrChZ22fKfLepAoJp5WaoprKKb4jDNNovnarfr4SiPsIBZjNpHtpan_6JdV9hRz9A38AAjhvu_xxAiZ5BuXAuXmD7SGASOZUJ0gyaMsLrPEhalxXip1b_2AMWxSrrwS_g0qjyUkve84vUGtgFrAOwRUR0AhE-UVxbAtjyJFAkwLCNg



Wednesday i bettered myself and made shooting, i made it in a list system so i can add more stuff easily later, i realised the code had a id reading problem so i went into debugging mode and tried reading the lists but i couldnt the valuables responsible for having the list id just a had a number value so i did my very favourite task reading the code and finding the problem it was a simple fix i just read wrong.39EtIgK2MjEI4sCm9NPfS1jgN7YhkXp66jSNj66Ca09M4HCfFi20wQiLGCMkcewfKPwBTAvPeavHiKA57FN6ohd2yHriTa5776YI4rnyXckiFoSvAIhAdQp9YgpPrmzCjj6IMHhJKIW5h65sG-a7mdvh-U9u-GN7eLk8Xe1c0wlDDaB5wxCfLn6kkrUaJg



I added a aoe and damage system how it works is the bullet checks for damage and enemy checks for aoe damage i drew a zombie sprite and tested 



I looked at my progress so far and was disappointed so i decided to do lots of work today,

First i added lifespan, starting to have too much vars on each object putting pressure on the ram, i quickly made a flash effect, added valuables for animations i had a maths problem with these guys being the culprit <>= so i removed armour, worked on shooting and got lots of errors  

I started doubting myself i can take the blog down because i have no viewers but i remembered i need to stop procrastinating and giving up and this was helping me do writing 

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object obj_player:
ds_list_find_value argument 2 incorrect type (undefined) expecting a Number (YYGI32)
 at gml_Object_obj_player_Step_0 (line 31) - gun = ds_list_find_value(guns_id, gunid);
gml_Object_obj_player_Step_0 (line 31)

I spent a lot of time then realized, but before i explain i need to explain mod


Mod is a keyword for looping values for example 1 mod 5 = 1

6 mod 5 = 1 so it just loops how about -1 mod 5 gml doesn't really work so you can


(-1 + 5) mod (5) 5 being the limit ad -1 being the value so to rewrite 

((a + b) mod (b)) i wrote (b + a mod b) JUST BECAUSE I DIDN'T WRITE THE BRACKETS I GET A ERROR WHY DON'T JUST TELL ME YOU BE MISSING () <= THESE oh well what was going on was it was b + (a mod b) and you can't read negative index in lists so that's why now we can switch guns but i only have 1 gun so that makes not much differents BI2nVS7Su6VzGhMIY4oP8qbvja4kXMjmH5vdNAPq2YqU5OGOdLfkdNSBegfafsSvoTaAVJ44pg-8n488bePAX_FYzMFNbT1u4VSahAmfjBwPCm8wK0V47ti4LRQjEHlwlT-YjRnS1c94qxZi1lmMEfW108VCaymCX4EB0s1qkFXeL51AqPpcPvaG1VwpqQ



Please give me feedback what's interesting my spelling so i can edit in and then repost 😅


Get Beta shooter


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i like your detailed devlogs, i write code that way too. good luck with your game
